coding in schools

Coding in schools With the world turning digital, coding is becoming a necessary skill, alongside maths and reading. However, pupils are not getting the opportunity to learn about computer science and coding, because it rarely gets taught in school.

smartboards in the classroom

smartboards in the classroom What is a smartboard? A traditional whiteboard that is computerised and interactive. These are very popular in the education sector because teachers can use this tool to teach in so many ways. For example: videos/images, presentations, apps etc.

g suite for schools

G Suite for Schools G Suite is a hub designed to support educators and pupils as they learn and explore together. With G Suite for Education, teachers can enable all pupils to work together anytime and anywhere with all the appropriate tools for learning. There are opportunities for learning, streamline tasks and more. The tools […]

Using Chromebooks in the classroom No student is the same, and most definitely don’t learn in the same way. Using Chromebooks in the classroom is a device that can meet the needs of every student.

Mobile device management for schools As schools continue to implement digital learning into classrooms, there is always the risk of how to manage the devices. When introducing technology, schools need to ensure that they can monitor, manage and secure pupils mobile devices.

Top Tips on Internet safety in schools With schools integrating technology into their students’ educational journey, it is important to understand how to stay safe online. Make all your students mindful of internet safety with these 5 tips. Build their confidence when using the web to prepare them for the technological future ahead of them.

Impact of technology on education In the world of EdTech there has been a change in assessment methods. Incorporating the use of technology and student assessments has had a positive impact on teachers’ ability to support their students. There are three key resources that have changed teacher’s perception on assessment.

digital technology in education

Chromebooks in the classroom – the basics of Chromebooks Chromebook devices are popular within the digital education sector. Many may wonder why their children have Chromebook laptops rather than an alternate device. Here is everything you need to know about why schools choose Chromebooks.

Solutions Inc Limited out of business  One of the UK’s leading Apple dealers ‘Solutions Inc Limited’ has just gone out of business this June. They worked very closely with schools in supporting them bring technology in the classroom. Providing two main services in the education space

Google Chromebook auto update policy Google Chromebook’s are a popular choice amongst digital 1-1 schemes due to the device being simple, secure and shareable. Chromebook devices give students access to all the key learning resources, apps and security protection all within an affordable price bracket.